Architectural Glass Solutions was recently contacted by a general contractor building a faith-based counseling center. The contractor needed simple solutions for providing privacy for counseling booths and conference rooms. The goal was to provide a contemporary look without creating a claustrophobic atmosphere while sitting in the booths. We provided some samples, with pictures of past installations of frost film, and offered some simple and cost-effective solutions. Installation was simple: we took the width of the 60″ roll and installed a linear band at the same height throughout all the glass for the booths and conference rooms.

Decorative window films are used to enhance the decor of a room, complementing furniture, artwork, or building architecture. This innovative product comes in a variety of patterns and colors. Design applications like company logos, graphics, and unique designs can also be done, providing infinite possibilities. Decorative films offer the same appearance as etched glass but for a fraction of the cost. Explore unlimited design opportunities for your space, such as dividing a glass privacy wall with clear and finished surfaces, adjusting translucency, or even layering films to invent a completely new texture.
Call or email Joe Baker with Architectural Glass Solutions at 214.538.4609 or