Client: Home owner in Frisco Tx
Problem: Excess heat thru front south-face glass
Solution: Huper Optik solar film Fusion 20-70% heat rejection and 99.9% UV rejection
Dealer: Architectural Glass Solutions, Little Elm , TX
contact: 972.625.6008 Joe Baker
email: joebaker4609@msn.com
website: agtinters.com
Client contacted Architectural Glass Solutions, a dealer in window film, solar screens, and window treatments, on the best solution for reducing heat transfer from direct sun-light through out the day due to a southern exposure.
The solution is easy, double-pane safe solar film made by Huper Optik. Varying shades of film to let in more light and/or reducing more heat.
Client decided on the medium shade of Fusion 20, solid heat rejection of 70% with enough light to allow to keep blinds open without worrying about fading due to the products 99.9% UV rejection.
With the product and the labor being warranted by a Lifetime by the manufacturer, the decision was easy.
After installation, it was roughly 2pm on a 95 degree day, the client walked down the stairs into the fourier area and instantly could feel the temperature drop. Stating that normally it was significantly warmer that time of day partly due to the large window above front door. Customer was elated!
Architectural Glass Solutions has window filmed homes in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area for 20 years. With this experience we know that a solar film in the 60% to 80% heat rejection range on at least all East, South, and West windows, will pay for itself in utility reduction in roughly 24 to 36 months.
Contact us today for a free consultation and estimate. Joe Baker 972.625.6008 or email joebaker4609@msn.com