Client: Homeowner in Dallas TX
Problem:  Direct sun causing heat and client worried about fading but wants to maintain view
Solution:  Huper Optik Fusion solar film-70% heat rejection, 99.9% UV rejection, and enhances views
Dealer: Architectural Glass Solutions –  Dallas, TX
contact:  Joe Baker  972.625.6008
Client called Architectural Glass Solutions looking for window treatments to reduce heat and fading.  After conducting a site visit, I measure for window blinds but recommended solar film on all the windows in the room and window treatments only on the eye-level windows.
After calculating the cost of window treatments on all the windows vs. window treatments on eye-level windows and solar film on all windows, the 2nd option with solar film was over all less expensive and 3x’s more energy efficient.
Solar film and window treatments compliment each other but are not a replacement for each other.  Solar film reflects heat and UV from exterior exposure from sun.  Window treatments, when closed, help keeps the internal energy, A/C and heat, inside the home.  Interior window treatments do not reflect heat out of a home or building.  They can block UV but have to be closed the entire time til dark to do so.  That totally defeats having windows.
Solar film allows a homeowner to keep blinds and/or window treatments open and allow natural light while reflecting high amounts of solar heat and rejecting 99.9% UV.
To learn more and set up a free estimate, call Joe Baker at 972.625.6008 or email

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